キャラの土台となるチキンライスを作る。至って普通の( ̄m ̄ 鶏肉とベビーホタテをバターで炒めてから、ケチャップ・醤油で味付け
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Make the foundation of the character and chicken rice. Fairly normal.
Once baby scallops sauteed in butter, seasoned with soy sauce and ketchup.
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Given the size of the plate and the character, create own material.
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Mold a three-dimensional impression while molding the base. |
・海苔 ・チーズ ・かまぼこ ・カニカマ ・ハム ・昆布 ・ 薩摩揚げ
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The food materials which used
・Laver ・Cheese ・Kamaboko ・Kanimana ・Ham ・Kombu
・Satsuma- deep frying
※It is mayonnaise for the pasting up between ingredients |
立体的なカーブは切り目を入れて余分な部分をカットして合わせる (想像してた以上に困難で、ここだけで結構な時間が・笑)
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The three-dimensional curve puts a cut and cuts an extra part and puts it together
(I spent time on difficulty most here than I imagined it) |
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A hair part of the mom is thin Satsuma deep-fried food,
but uses the thing which sliced it more thinly. |
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Make a lot of squares of around 5mm with laver and put it on the hair part of Edona. |
目隠しマスク・服の襟・エドナの鼻穴は海苔 パパ・ママの口はカニカマ パパの髪はチーズ(大きさ決めたら爪楊枝で引っ掻いて髪の質感プラス) 鼻・エドナの手はハム エドナのメガネは海苔の上に昆布 エドナの体は昆布 エドナの口は切り抜いておく
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A blindfold mask and "Collar of clothes" and "Nose hole of Edna" is laver.
A mouth of the daddy and mom is Kanikama.
The hair of the daddy is cheese.
(I scratch in a toothpick if I decide size and add feel of a material of the hair)
All nose and Edna's hand is ham.
The glasses of Edna are kombu on laver.
The clothes of Edna is kombu.
The mouth of Edna clips cutouts. |
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Create a white of eyes with sliced Kamaboko. |
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A little scary... |
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Display the teeth which I made with kamaboko in a mouth. |
おかずにエビのフリッターを作る オーロラソース (マヨ5:ケチャップ2 ) - - - - - - Make a side dish in "Shrimp fritters". Aurora source ( 5 mayonnaise:2 ketchup )
エビの天ぷらにたっぷり絡める - - - - - - Fully mix an 'aurora source' and tempura of the shrimp.
デザートはチビの好きな五円チョコとイチゴで...手を抜いたわけではない(笑) - - - - - - Chocolate and strawberry desserts using her favorite, it's not like cutting corners.(- -;
それぞれプレートに盛りつけてO(゚▽゚o)(o゚▽゚)o - - - - - - If put each on the plate・・・
完成~ ヾ(●´▽`●)/ 時間かかったー
- - - - - - Completion!! It took time very much.
ガツガツ食べてたね ´艸`)
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She ate a lot.The character liking Rino most is Edona...As for the character of Edona, some manners are insolent and look down on someone.She seems to like it.
最後までシークレットで見せたかったけど、 土台作ってる時にはもう起きちゃったから何作ってるかバレバレだった...(笑) - - - - - - Kept it a secret till the last and wanted to show her it when completed She woke up when making the foundation. And had been seen in her from an early stage... |
I am not good at English.
Thank you for your understanding :)
I love Japan and japanese culture so, with they're grown up i learn more japanese lenguage, in particular with Rino, I only understand her, because I onlòy start to study japanese from 1 year..I also have a penpal that lives in Nara and we speak italian and a little bit of japanese.
I really love you're cooking, even in Italy is very difficult to find Japanese ingredient..
My dream is one day to have a bento box, I want to have one from when I was 4 (now i am 23years old..).
So, say 'hello' from me to Rino and have a good day!
Bye Bye Haruka ☆-( ^-゚)v
Piacere. Grazie mille!
When I read comment from you, I thought that the first was comment from a Japanese.
I am not so good at English.
However, I understand your comment.
It is very impressive that you were interested in a Japanese, Japanese culture and my cooking. Thanks!
We pray so that your nice dream comes true.
We say 'hello' so that you can spend a good day, too. v(*'-^*)
I love the cooking videos that you had made:)