人参の頭と根を切る ------ Cut a head and the root of the carrot. |
茹でたほうれん草とトウモロコシ(コーン缶詰使用)をすり潰す ------ Grind spinach and corn(Canned corn). |
桃を潰す ------ Mashed a peach. |
ゼリー液を注ぐ ※ 柔らかめに仕上げる (普段 ゼラチン 5g : お湯 250cc → 柔らかめ ゼラチン 5g : お湯 300cc) ------ Pour jelly liquid. ※ Cook a texture softly. (Usually, gelatin 5g : hot water 250cc → Softly, gelatin 5g : hot water 300cc) |
冷蔵庫で冷やし固める ------ Set jelly by cooling it in refrigerator. |
お粥に玉ねぎを入れる すりゴマとコンソメを加えて混ぜる ------ Add an onion to rice gruel. Add a grind sesame and consomme. |
Rinoさんは味見ばかり(笑) |
それぞれを器に盛り、麦茶を用意して完成(^^)v ------ Dish up each in the plate and prepare barley tea. Completion. |
Cook it on the basis of taste of the material itself and thin seasoning.
Adjust it with seasonings while confirming taste.
Refrigerate the rice gruel and vegetables which I made too much
in small quantities and use it up in around one week.