使用した調味料 ・ホタテ ・卵 ・味噌(ダシ入り) ・長ネギ ・酒 ・みりん ------ ・Egg ・15g miso(in soup stock) ・2 scallops ・About green onion ・10ml sake ・10ml sweet sake |
ホタテを貝から剥がします ------ Peeled off the shell scallops |
専用のホタテ剥きを使用(専用じゃなくてもOK^^スプーンでも) ------ Use a dedicated tool |
ホタテの耳は塩で揉んで汚れを取ります ------ Scallops's ear, remove stains with salt |
ホタテの耳を食べやすいお好みの大きさに ------ Scallops's ear cut into bite-size |
ホタテの身も切ります ------ Also cut scallop |
卵、味噌、酒、みりんを掻き混ぜて、 ------ Mix seasoning( Egg・Miso・Sake・Sweet sake) |
専用のホタテ貝を熱しながら調味料を半分流し込む ------ Heat a large scallop shell(dedicated pan), and pour half of the seasoning |
切ったホタテと、 ------ Put on the scallops and scallops ear |
刻んだネギを乗せる ------ Put on the chopped green onion |
残った調味料を全部かける ------ Put all the rest of the seasoning |
少し煮たら混ぜて全体に火を通します ------ Cooked the whole mix a little boiled |
これで完成!簡単すぎる青森の郷土料理 ------ complete! |
洗って水切りしておいた米と具材を炊飯器に入れて炊きます------ Put the rice which washed and food materials in a rice cooker |
お焦げも出来て美味しそう ------ Scorched rice looks delicious and can also |
ホタテの刺身とホタテの味噌汁を添えて・・・ ------ Served with scallops miso soup and scallops sashimi.... |
ジャ~ン!デ~ン! ------ complete! |
マー君も食べたそうね...(笑) |
器貝が無くてもフライパンでも簡単に、早く、美味しく調理することができます 具材もお好みで追加、ワカメとか蒲鉾とか...etc ------ This can easily cook even a frying pan deliciously. |
なつのやすみはおわりました。わたしはせんしゅうからトリノへかえりました。(is it right? I hope that You understand..)
School are started and I start to looking for a job. is difficult to find something for work!
I also start to go to japanese classroom, is the second year, i really love study japanese..
Rino-chan start to go to kindergarden?
Yuma-kun is really growing up..but he just walk or not yet? They are really 'kawaii'!!
Have you ever eat or make 'Lasagne?' Lagasna is a popular italian food, really , really good..I' sure that Rino-chan love-it..
So,have a nice day,
bye bye
Hi, Haruka!
Did you enjoy the summer holiday of Sicily?
Your experience is very splendid!
We hope from Japan that you can find a better job.
Your spirit of self-advancement is splendid.
Rino & Yuuma goes to the nursery school.
He seems to begin to walk soon.
He stands up while holding onto something, and he stands for several seconds.
However, he does not begin to yet walk.
I cooked lasagna several times.
However, she did not yet eat it.
Surely I think that she likes it.
I must apologize to you.
It is that the expiration date of the URL for viewing your blog is gone.
I'm terribly sorry.
Please send the URL of the blog again.
Mmmh, it looks tasty ! おいしい ! :)